The Cult of Dissatisfaction


In The Cult of Dissatisfaction, we are going to look at the culture of dissatisfaction, the symptoms and causes of it and how you can change it within yourself.

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Empowering Unhappy Professional Women to Change

Dissatisfaction is something which appears to be ever present in today’s society. It comes from many sources and is difficult to pin down to one thing, or a single life event. It is something which seems to have increased with our wealth and is an emotion as destructive as they come.

In The Cult of Dissatisfaction, we are going to look at the culture of dissatisfaction, the symptoms and causes of it and how you can change it within yourself.

The book comes in 3 parts, each divided into chapters which explore things such as:

  • Relationships
  • Stereotypes
  • Political correctness
  • Equality
  • Guilt and shame
  • Stress
  • Failure
  • And much more…

Often, we feel like we are not in control of the way we feel. But what The Cult of Dissatisfaction will give you, is an opportunity to change what you can influence, helping you to identify the limitations and the social pressures which lead to the feelings of dissatisfaction.


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